The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Do you believe in The One? You know how they say that there's that one person out there for you?


What sucks about having a computer is that I now have the time to check my Friendster. Before, I would have been in a hurry trying to take in as much as I can in very little time (As you know, I only used my aunt's computer upstairs.). Now I can take my time, read all I want, click the night away.

He looked me up. I know that because I clicked that link that says viewed X times or something like that. He looked me up. So I looked him up. And I just had to scroll down. And scroll down. And read.

Will it make sense if I tell you that I felt a little jealous when I found out that they were still together? Will you believe me when I tell you I always thought we'd end up together, have kids and live happily ever after? Of course not. Because it's not me. That's why I hate it. I did feel jealous. I did think we'd live happily ever after. He was the one for me. And I was the one for him. But things didn't work out.

I stared at his picture for a long time, a part of me still longing to be with him again. I found myself praying for another day with him so I could hold his hand and put my head on his shoulder and fall asleep in his arms forever.

We never fall out of love, I know. We just forget.

Now, all that needs to be said is this and I quote from U2's Beautiful Day
What you don't have, you don't need it now.


Lilo <3 bought me 3 biscuits today. Wala lang. Cute. <3

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kitten posted @ 1:04 AM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb