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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Girl power!

Wow. A woman was named Episcopal leader yesterday. Big step. :-O Are the people ready for this? Click here to read more about this topic.

As for my family, they are not ready. Last night while we were having dinner, the news came on about the election of this woman as the Episcopal leader. Although this shouldn't have been such a big deal for my family as we are not members of the Episcopal church, I heard comments like:
"What is happening to the Church?"
"The Vatican would have never allowed this to happen."
and even worse
"Not a woman. Surely, not a woman."
And I think, well, why not a woman? I mean, I really don't understand it. I guess we're still paying for Eve's fault millions of years ago (Which, btw, happens to be a mere allegory, not an actual story *shakes head*). Talk about a serious case of the grudge.

I'm not much of a feminist. But when something like this happens, something inside me is always ignited to life. See, in YFC, we have a similar system of *clears throat* determining our leaders. To make it more clear, girls are not exactly made into unit heads/chapter heads/cluster heads/sector heads/regional heads (Sure, you get to be one, but the guy, your "partner", does all the work. Trust me, I know.) nor are they allowed to be worship leaders and so on. And I've always hated it and have never really understood it. Maybe if they explained it to me, I wouldn't have such a problem with it. But the truth is, they can't explain it. There's just no way - absolutely no way - that they can explain themselves without sounding like the chauvinist pigs they are.

On a final note, congratulations to the woman bishop thingy or whatever her title is. It is as if to say to all the men in the world:

We will not be undermined.

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kitten posted @ 10:31 AM

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