The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Monday, May 02, 2005

My tummy hurts

I hate myself right now. Really. I hve never hated myself this much in the past. I'm not really in the mood to tell you why, but I will anyway. I just need to get this pain (literal) out of me.

My phone recently got confiscated by my ever-so-loving parents. I, naturally, have nothing else to do coz I ran out of internet and have no phone. Some life. Anyway, I figured instead of doing nothing, I'd do crunches. Sounds great, right? not in my case.

My brother coaxed me into doing 500 crunches which I figured was a pretty large number. I was sooo bored to death that I actually did the actual 500 cruches while in front of the television set. After that, I was a bit tired, but I knew I would live.

When I woke up this morning after my very short nap, I was expecting excruciating pain. But there wasn't any -- until I got up. Damn, my tummy hurt and, God, it hurt bad. As of the moment, I can't sit-up straight and laugh my heart out. The pain is just too much.

Here I go again with my stupidity. I can't believe this. I'm so stupid AND bored that I'm actually willing to do that kind of stuff, which I don't usually do, btw. Hmm, my brother's gonna hear from me, as soon as his hang-over's gone. *evil laugh*

On the upside, 500 crunches is what Britney Spears usually does. Yeaboi! Kidding aside, I'm actully thinking about making 500 my usual number. Of course, I'd start doing that after the pain in my tummy's gone.

PS To the people who visit my blog, please sign my tag board. I've seen some interesting paths, mostly from places I didn't think my blog reached (i.e. US, Australia, Germany), and I would love to hear from you guys. Thanks.

kitten posted @ 5:57 AM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb