The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Friday, April 29, 2005


I was reading Sam's blog and I read something about how lonely it is when you're alone...

Know what? It really is lonely being alone. I guess that's why there's a saying that goes "No man is an island." It doesn't matter if you're a loser and don't have friends, or you're a emotionally-constipated-single-since-birth person. It just sucks big time to be all by yourself in a world where souls find there way back to each other and unite.

Whenever I realize I'm alone (which hasn't happened since... I can't remember when =P), I think about the people in my life who have ever deserted me. I cry my eyes out, especially if I'm just getting over a relationship or something and feel... helpless. Pure and utter helplessness. Powerless to change how I'm feeling, and even more powerless to change what happened.

Sometimes, I tell the people I trust that I'm lonely and they always tell me that I don't need anybody to make me feel complete and/or happy. And I agree. I honestly and sincerely agree. No one should have to feel incomplete or unhappy just because they lost/haven't found that one person for them. But when you've lost that someone, it's not about that person making you happy. Heck, there are a million things that can make a person happy. It's that THAT person shared your happiness, and now that person's gone. It's not that you're unhappy. It's that you wish there was someone to be happy for you and with you. What good is total and complete happiness when you're all alone? What will you do with something so good and so perfect? Share it. And when you're alone, you can't do that, and that's why it's a shame being alone...

I wonder whether I'll grow to be a spinster (n. an unmarried woman past the common age for marrying)... I mean, I have a life pretty much worked out, and it has little, if any at all, room for men. Wala lang... Just sharing.

kitten posted @ 12:34 AM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb