The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Friday, April 22, 2005

God's Humor

These pst few days, people have been giving me ideas on what to write here in my blog. Of course they rarely have any idea that I'm going to blog what they said, but whattheheck?

I was chatting with Tin (Hi Tin! Hope you're reading this. *winkie*) and she said something about God having his own humor. The common person wouldn't actually think God has humor. I mean, He's GOD and He's supposed to be dead serious about things. But you know wat? He's not. He actually teases you a little and makes you laugh when you least expect it. If you don't understand a bit of what I'm saying, just read on.

Yesterday, the results of the appeals for UP-Manila were supposed to come out. (To those who haven't heard, UP is now my last and only option of going to school next year. Bummer. Kidding!) Guess what? They didn't release the friggin' results. I have been looking forward to that day since last week. I've been looking forward to that day since last, last week. Heck, I've been looking forward to that day since I filed my appeal. The Office of the Registrar said the results would be out on April 27th instead. I guess I could deal with that.

What I found somewhat annoying is that I've been praying HARD about this, and He said "Don't you trust me?" (Yes, He said that.) I do. I really do. I just wish He wouldn't play God (Well, he can't be playing god coz he is God.)... I mean amidst all my anxieties and panicks, He does this.

After Tin and I spoke, it got me into thinking. Maybe God just wants me to relax. I mean, I'm always so worried and tense. Then I smiled and laughed and giggled. He is funny, ain't He? He is the joker of all time.

I realised that this was His way of telling me to just trust Him. Of course I always want things done my way, but His way is always best. Right now, I'm still waiting for the results to come out. I'm not that anxious though, but I am, naturally, still nervous. I wouldn't want Him to postpone it again so I might as well do things His way.

kitten posted @ 10:48 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb