The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Uncomfortable Silences

Have you ever had that single moment of silence you have wanted for sooo long and then find yourself trying to fill the void? I have. Just minutes ago... *flashback sequence*

So, my friend and I were having this very hostile conversation on the phone. We were interrupted by an incoming call. I answer it, naturally, and the girls asks so many questions.. So I ask the people in the house to help me out and my ever-so-intelligent mom asked me to hang-up. So I did. Then the person starts calling again, and my dad steps in starts shouting, for what I don't know. He told me to answer the phone to get it done and over with. So I did. I mean, what's a girl to do? Then he walks away, mumbling. Whatthef***? I let that pass, of course. I still have the tiniest bit of respect for him. Then I continue using the phone and then minutes later I hang up. And then, when I stand up to go my room (because seriously I was at the verge of crying) he starts yelling again. Fantastic. And he's not just yelling, he's yelling AT ME and for what? Heaven knows! So i try to escape as fast as possible to safest corner in the house - my room.

Later, everyone was quiet. Our family is known for that. We're always so quiet, but we're not unfriendly, just quiet. It's like we don't feel the need to say anything. And then everyone tries to break the silence. Everyone's trying to make as much noise as possible, and had I the courage to do the same, I would have screamed at the top of my lungs.

Funny, sometimes people are looking for peace, because they get tired with the noise of everything. Then, when they get the silence they want, they try to break it. I don't even know how a silence becomes uncomfortable.

Anyway, I'm writing this as a form of escape from them. I'm done crying. Later, I'll be screaming. Maybe tomorrow, I'll be running away.

kitten posted @ 11:54 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb