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Thursday, April 21, 2005


Have you ever met anyone who seemed to be so stoned, yet appears to be cool and refreshing?

Zen. It keeps you calm. It makes you a cool kind of stoned. Here are a couple of quotes (?) I found from my reading.

Not concerned with outer things, without having any troubles inside, if one's mind is like a wall he would at the same time be in the Tao (truth).

Detach oneself from all external stimulation and be undisturbed within.

At the ultimate point it is not death, but the fulfilled and transparent clarity that is truly sharp, and the life that is pure from within. In relating to the outside world it is like being completely reborn. That reborn energy is of great strength and expands throughout the external world as well.

Wow. It must be fun to practice such… wisdom.

I think I’ll adopt that kind of attitude, not just because it’s cool, but also because the world could use a little less freaking outs and breaking downs from me. Besides, I think the reborn perspective will be quite nice.

*problem arises* erm, It’s practically Buddhism. I can’t practice that is anything other than Christian in this house, even if it’s not exactly the religion I’m practicing but the ideals that are incorporated in that religion. Yoga isn’t even allowed in this house because it’s said to be something like trance-meditation and I have no idea what I’m supposed to make out of that statement.

Anyway, I think the line between practicing religion and practicing the religion’s ideals is pretty thin, but it’s still a line and it’s pretty clear to me. I will have to leave this house first before I can practice it without problems.

kitten posted @ 3:43 AM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb