The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Shurikens and paper hearts

We sat together, talking about high school. I asked him if he graduated from a public school, he said yes. He asked me if I graduated from a private school, I said yes. He asked me if it was an exclusive girl school, I said yes. Then he said "I wish I went to an all girl school." I laughed hard. That's Igor for you.

He was busy doodling, making meaningless shapes. "I am going to draw you the cutest snail you will ever see," I told him.

This was the snail i came up with. He laughed then proceeded to draw a snail himself.

I couldn't believe it. His snail was cuter than mine. I looked up at him, and he was beaming. He knew my snail was no longer the cutest in the world.

I got bored. I started folding a little paper heart out of the writing the both of us were supposed to be doing. He watched me carefully, and I looked up now and again, enjoying his fascination. When I was done, I gave the heart to him.

He examined it, the way a doctor would examine his patient. Then he tore a piece of his notebook, and started folding away. I caught myself watching with the same fascination he displayed minutes before. When he was done, he handed his creation to me.

It was a shuriken. I couldn't help but laugh at the utter juvenility of it. He was laughing too.

For a moment, I couldn't look at him and he was evading my eyes too. And to break the silence I said, "Thank you." But I didn't know exactly what I was thanking him for.


I am such a dork, but I want that best-seller collection e-book. NAO PLOX.



kitten posted @ 8:12 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb