The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Friday, November 02, 2007

Bore me to death and I swear I'll haunt you.

I should really be working on revising that little C+ tragedy of mine, but my creative juices seem to want to alot themselves to imagining how my conversation with Jayar tomorrow will go. It's not as productive, of course, but it's hell entertaining! Oh, I wonder if he would be able to tell that I have missed him. Oooh, and I wonder what questions he'll ask me. Oooh, and I wonder if we'll laugh a lot or if we'll have uncomfortable silences. Oooh, and I wonder if he'll have as much fun as me. HA! Imagining rocks!

Other news: Professor Benson said I had a unique style. I HAVE A STYLE, people. I didn't even know that. Ha! But I'm taking that complement! :)

So yeah. We wrote little pretend letters to C.P. Ellis and she had me read mine in class. I swear, I was shaking. I mean, I don't mind people reading my work. But having to come up front and read it WHILE PEOPLE ARE STARING AT YOU WITH JUDGEMENTAL EYES, holy shit, is just terrifying. But yes. No getting away from Professor Benson; she is far too coercive. And I do suffer from her praise in class, you know. I hate being singled out. I mean, single me out in your head, woman. Don't let everybody else know, for chrissakes.

I've been trying to look at all the stuff I've written in the past months and see what "style" she's talking about. As of late, I have no clue whatsoever on what she's talking about. I could ask her, you know, but that's just awkward and I don't fish for complements. They just come to me. Haha.

Planning for next term sucks. Right now, I have HonEngComp 104, GenBio102, Philo103, Psych102 and Math237 on my list of classes that I want to take. Exciting? Not really. Just getting rid of all the gen-ed requirements.

Oooh, and a really, really good thing about being part of the Honors College is that we register before everybody else. Ha! Way cool. :) I register on Monday.


kitten posted @ 9:05 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb