The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Monday, January 01, 2007

A Tribute to 2006

I'm writing this with almost no idea where to begin. So many things have happened this year. A lot of different people, events and places have changed the way I view myself and the world. Too many little things to mention. None big enough to focus on.

I must say I am sorry it is gone. I faced 2006 with fear. I knew the fate that waited for me. What I didn't know was how it was going to affect me. And this unknown left me paralyzed. I didn't take enough chances this year. I didn't break enough hearts. I didn't fail enough times. I didn't cry enough times. Now I sit here and think about how another precious year has passed me by.

But it has been a good year. I was hurt but I recovered. I failed but I picked myself up. I was weak, I still am, but my friends have made me strong. I lost but I gained in the end.

It was a year like no other. I've had to grow up. I've had to take responsibility. I've had to define, even learn, who I am. The time has passed may not have all been used well, but they were beautiful. I would never do them over.

I guess this tribute is to leave 2006 behind. Closure, if you will. So that I may live for this day, and not the one that has already left me.

Here's to living for the moment.


kitten posted @ 11:13 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb