The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I got my schedule for the fall semester today. Here it is:

Can I just say that Math always ruins my plans? Okay. I wanted to take Math112 (College Algebra), which was aligned with the activities (a.k.a. WORK) that I have planned for myself. However, since I had to take the placement test, it wasn't really my choice which Math class I get into. I was seriously, seriously praying that I screwed up the Math test so I'd end up with Math112. So I come in today and they tell me I'm in Math119 (Basic Calculus). Rawr. That wrecked everything. I had to look up different classes that ran at hours that would fit in my ideal schedule, blah blah blah. In the end, I really had no choice. I'm going to have to come in five days a week.

And then since I'm in Honors College, people wouldn't let me take less than fifteen credits. Weehee. I was only intent on taking twelve. *sigh*

It's a good thing my parents and I have already discussed this work vs. school thing. When it all comes down to it, school is still my number one priority. So if my schedule doesn't work for any employers out there then... whatever! I'm staying home and going on geek mode.


I feel, more than ever, that I need to get myself a laptop.



kitten posted @ 10:53 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb