The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Monday, April 30, 2007


There are some things that happen to me that are, I must say, the kind of things you expect to happen to me and not anybody else. I feel like I'm forever playing a sort of one-sided game with the Fates. I am like a plaything. It's too cruel. In fact, it's so cruel, it's funny. (It's not, but let's pretend it is.)


We have a newbie in the store and I was asked to fax his hiring paperwork to the corporate office. Though I wanted to flip through the paperwork, I decided against it, because I am a well-rounded woman. Aaaaand then there's the fact that since it's the end of the month, there was a lot of work to be done at the store. Aaaaand then there's the fact that I have access to his file anyway, so I can just look whenever I want. (I know. I am the vilest of the vile.) (And, yes, I have looked through some my coworkers files. Nothing interesting there. Dunno why I was interested to begin with.)

Anyway, my uncle was way early for work today so he killed time in the office. With the paperwork. Should have known that nothing good could have come out of that.

I came into the office and my uncle goes, Lika, tingnan mo ito bilis. Shet. Panalo.

So I look. And this is what I see.

Ah, yes, well. He's fluent is speaking English. God. If only there weren't proof otherwise...

(I actually covered up one of the stuff he wrote down. People might say I'm bashing. Though I am actually bashing, I would rather think I'm doing it very subtlely.)

Noob's not going to make it. It's two things: the amount of work will kill him or the people will.


Fill in the blanks.

I resolve __________.


kitten posted @ 10:00 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb