The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Hearts' Day is closing and I'm not sure I spent it the way I wanted it to.

I had plans. I had ideas on what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go and, most importantly, who I wanted to spend it with. As things never go as planned in my world, today was pretty much a detour.

It's 10.46 and all I can think of is how I want to brave the elements and walk up to his building. I want to hold pebbles in my hand and throw them at his window. I'll say I was stupid for letting him go, and I'll tell the world how much I really love him. Then again, it's just the pre-conceived notion of Valentine's Day being a romantic occasion talking. After all, if we really were to celebrate St. Valentine's dear ol' life, we'd all be on our hands and knees praying while some poor bloke gets his head chopped off in sacrifice or whatever.

So yeah, the day is almost over and were it not for Myra buying me a "suprise" Lilo and Stitch Chocolate with Chocolate Fudge cake, this day would have been a total loss. Of course I also have to give credit to friends who, inspite of their own romantic plans, have taken the time to show me their love, love, love. <3

Today sucked. It's almost a guarantee that tomorrow will be better. :)


I need to be onstage. I miss performing.

The spotlights might not love me, but I love the spotlights. I was born for them.


Can't wait to get paid next week. I'm getting me them Chucks I designed. :)

Kaso nga lang dalawa yun. Eh $60.00 isa. Ngek. Next time na lang yung isa. :)


"Broadway is dark tonight
A little weaker than you used to be."

from The Goo Goo Dolls' Broadway

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kitten posted @ 12:00 AM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb