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[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The weirdest thing happened to me yesterday.

I was walking to work. I just came from the library. In my hand I held my flask of coffee, which I had been having since before I left the house.

If you don't know, I have to tell you that I take my coffee black as night and sweet as sin. No cream or milk. Just lots of coffee and lots of sugar.

Anyway, at the lib I opened this horrible email and I was upset when I left. Now, while I was walking, I thought I'd have some of my coffee. I felt that I could really use it and when I took a sip, it was bitter as hell. Bitter as hell.


When I was at the library it was sweet as hell. Then all of a sudden it was bitter as hell.

Okay. Two things:
  1. Bitter is the kind of taste *she* left in my mouth.
    For some reason, I think that's why the coffee was suddenly so bitter. I can't explain it. But yeah. Our relationship ended so abruptly that it couldn't have been anything but bitter...
  2. Bitter equals me.
    Sorry and so sue me, but it's the truth. I'm bitter. At least I was yesterday. I don't know if there's anything in psychology that can explain how my feelings affected my taste but that's that.
This. Everything. It's too poetic, too melancholic, and absolutely too dramatic even for me. I must be going out of my mind...


Tell me to resist you and I promise to obey.


She's too outrageous for me... When I saw this picture I was... speechless. She could totally pull it off but... Well. I've always gone for the understated, but this is too far...

*sigh* Lord naman... Are you trying to be funny?

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kitten posted @ 10:24 AM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb