The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pizza is socially awkward.

When I told one of my friends that I was going to the Jets game, her reaction was "Eeek." I understand why. I mean, me in a football game is like drinking lemon-flavored milk - it's not bad but it's not entirely good.

Do you realize how many of the people who watch football games are actually smart? I had thought that the people sitting next to me would be, well, idiots. You know, the typical jock. Boy, was I wrong.

These people store incredible, incredible information in their heads. They know the names of the players and they know who plays what when. They knew which teams had the best and worst defense and offense. Oh, and the rules of the game, they understood it like they made it themselves. If football were a subject in school, these guys would get As. And now that I think about it, football might as well be a subject because to enjoy it you have to understand the science and philosophy behind it, not to mention the extensive history that has brought it to where it is today.

Well, that only goes to show me that nothing is ever what it seems. There you go.


Today was the last day for Freshman Colloquium [Aw.] and Professor Veysey had treated everybody to pizza, cookies and soda - stuff people eat when they're baked. Haha. Anyway, everybody was around the table when Joseph said "You know, pizza is the most socially awkward food in the world. You gotta touch somebody else's food to get yours. I don't think it gets any more weird than that." Waha.

He also raised a question after Hasan's research was presented today. He said "You said that you had an Asian sample of five. Then you said that fifty-percent of the sample showed signs of discomfort when a person came closer than one meter. Now, I just want to know how that's possible. I mean, how could you get two and a half people?" Waha. Waha. Wahahahaha. When I looked at Professor Veysey, she shrugged her shoulders and said "You gotta hand it to this guy. He really pays attention."

Yeah. I don't care what folks say about people in honors classes. I still think they're nothing short of genius.

I'll miss these lovely little deviants. :(


My current winter break plans include God, my life is so boring. Haha.

Not funny.


kitten posted @ 9:07 PM

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-Yugoslavian proverb