The player only plays one song ONCE, and then you have to pick the next. Snaps for choices!
[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Que sueños grande.

Today, a customer came into the store and bought a cake. He had me write something on it. I was waiting for him to finish writing down the message on a piece of paper and I was getting a little pissed that it was taking him forever to decide what to write down on this stupid birthday cake. (I mean, really. Why can't he just write Happy birthday like everybody else?!)

I was trying to look at what he's written so far and I couldn't make the words out because he had this terrible handwriting and the words weren't in English. (The downside to being in America is that at least two people in the room you're in speak a language you don't.) He noticed what I was doing so he looked up at me and said Sorry. Keep it simple, right?. I smiled and said It's not that. I was just trying to read what you were writing. Don't worry, I couldn't understand what you wrote. It's in Spanish.

What? This? *shows me the slip of paper* Que sueños grande. It means "dream big". Then he goes on to write beneath it Happy birthday.

I've been with Red Ribbon for a while and that message is probably the best one anybody has ever asked to put on their cake. I grabbed the pastry bag and started to write the message down on the cake but my hands were shaking. I felt unworthy. *sigh* I can't explain it. But I do know that the message hit me hard.

Sometimes I forget to dream big. I think of myself as a realist. Dreams are too fleeting, too... impossible to hold on to for so long that I rarely have them, if I have them at all. The last time I had a dream for myself... well, was three years ago. I was planning a future, no, a lifetime with somebody. *sigh* But let's not talk about that.

I resolve to dream big.

Sometimes dreams are all we have.


kitten posted @ 10:14 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb