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[Oh yeah, running of ActiveX controls required and apologies to non-IE users.]

Monday, March 19, 2007


August-born people are hot.

I'm just saying. :)


I swear. If I don't get those by next the pay day, I am going to kill myself.

They are so Ronald-McDonald-ish. I love them. <3


Unsatisfied people are unhappy. Ever notice that?

I... uhm... okay... The boss of my boss (Which I guess makes her my super-boss, I don't know) is always, always, fucking always in a bad mood. So when she called me early today (And it is the start of the day AND the WEEK) to throw me some terrible vibes, I just laughed it off. Well, no. I'm not really the kind of person who laughs things off. But I did talk it off.

So I was telling Ate Monette about how she's giving me this attitude sooo early in the morning and at the beginning of the week, jeezuzkriced. And she laughs and says Matanda kasing dalaga yun. Kulang sa S. And I looked at her with this puzzled look. I'm like WTF?! And she's like Kulang sa sex! Hellooo? Kitten. And I'm covering my ears, and shaking my head and saying this to myself: We're not talking about this. We're not talking about this. We're not talking about this. Now, go to your happy place.

Anyway, that didn't stop Ate Monette from explaining why my super-boss is such a grump. And it makes sense (She wouldn't quit explaining it until I listened. She has such a strong fighting spirit.). I mean she's unsatisfied. So why should she be happy? And biologically speaking, endorphines are released when ... Shit. Forget it. I'm not talking about this here. (Sometimes, I hate myself for knowing some things that, by the way, I don't even know where I pick up. God.)

So yeah. Unsatisfied people are unhappy.

(This section was actually supposed to be about how people are unsatisfied because they know that they deserve better, but all this talk about my super-boss and sex made me lose my train of thought. It's honestly very distracting.)


I need a pet. Haha. I need a pet. Haha. Wala lang. Pet. Haha.

Somebody's lit.



When people say I guess you could say that, does that mean No?


kitten posted @ 8:54 PM

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As we cannot do as we will, we will do as we can.

-Yugoslavian proverb